Day 7 of the 30 day challenge

I’ve made it to day 7! One whole week! One down, 3 to go!

Today was a new challenge for me. I’d ordered some earthenware clay to create with as it has a lower firing temperature than the stoneware I’m currently using.

Well, it was really wet when I got it out of the bag, and felt like what can only be described as chocolate truffle. If I knew no better I’d spread it on something to eat it felt so nice.

I cut a small block, and started to form it with my wooden tools and fingers. It was so floppy I ended up curling it around on itself and so a fox was born from the mud. A crude fox, but a fox nonetheless.

The second lump I’m afraid got lobbed at a stone because I’d had enough of trying to make it work haha!

Making a Peace of Art

I think I’ve made peace with Earthenware clay after our earlier battle.
It feels like it needs a different way of working – much more delicate, more detailed. More precision, more patience, more finesse. A delicate touch.
Caressing rather than carving. Painting rather than sculpting.

Earth and Fire.

Fox clay sculpt