• A flame surrounds a bronze bunny during the making process

How the sculptures are made

When I look at nature, I feel joy, gratitude and nurturing love.

It’s these feelings I sculpt into my creations – you can see it reflected in their eyes and feel it in your hands when you touch them. They’re at their happiest when they’re held in your hands, stroked and even spoken to.

My sculptures reflect how my own encounters with wildlife made me feel rather than simply what the subject looks like.

Each critter is made from scratch by me, so they’re all genuinely unique, just like us. 

ceramic bunny sculpture 7

I only make what I love.
I love what I make,
and when you love something
you want it to live forever.”

Process videos

Just little snapshots of how they come to life. In reality, working in ceramic and bronze is a lengthy processes filled with a lot of unknowns, but that just makes them even more special and magical.

How bronze sculptures are made

How bronze critters are made

How ceramic critters are made

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