Celebrating International Owl Day

The 4th August 2024 is International Owl Day!

As someone who adores owls, I believe every day should be owl day, but this specific date is dedicated to celebrating these magnificent, mysterious creatures, and it’s the perfect opportunity to talk about all things owls.

Why Celebrate Owls?

Owls are fascinating birds that have captured our imagination for centuries. Their eerie calls and mysterious nature have made them popular subjects of folklore and mythology around the world. In some countries they’re still persecuted out of fear, yet in other cultures they’re celebrated for their big eyes and fluffy round appearance.

The Beauty of Owls

One of the things I love most about owls is their incredible diversity and beauty. From the tiny, Little Owl to the Sassy Eagle Owl, each species has its own unique strengths.

Their large, expressive eyes and distinctive hoots and toots make them stand out in the bird world.

You can see some of the owl sculptures I’ve created here.

Celebrate International Owl Day

Here’s a few ideas to help you celebrate:

1. Learn About Owls:

Take some time to learn about different owl species and their habitats. There’s so much information online and in books. Go on YouTube and disappear down an owl-shaped rabbit hole…

2. Search the Wildlife Rescue Directory (helpwildlife.co.uk)

Familiarising yourself with where your nearest rescues are will help you should you ever find an owl in need of help.

3. Get Crafty:

Why not make a mess and make your own owl? It could be painting, drawing, or even sculpting (my favourite!) your own little owl.

4. Night Owl Adventure:

Head out for a night-time walk and try to hear owl calls. Remember to keep quiet and respect their space!

5. Support Conservation Efforts:

Consider donating to organisations dedicated to owl conservation. Some places even let you adopt an owl. Sweet!

My first sculpture was an owl

Owl sculpt