Nature has given me a reminder today.
I’ve not been journalling for quite some time now, it’s been somewhat neglected. I don’t know why, as I’ve had so much to share!
So I’ll start with today and work my way backwards. It’s good to take the time to reflect.
Out for a lunchtime walk in the sunshine today I was given not one, but two messages to share with you all…
It doesn’t matter who you are, or what you are, just that you are.
People who concentrate on getting from one place to another, are missing the point of the journey.
Just as I’m typing this I’ve just seen a sparrowhawk fly into my garden and the birds have scattered. I usually see the hawks when they have a reminder for me too, so I’m grateful for this confirmation that now’s the right time to be catching up on the old journalling.
So back to my walk – I’d no sooner started than overhead were half a dozen swallows, and above them, gliding on the thermals were two buzzards.
On my way back I notice movement in the grass verge and lo and behold were a couple of tiny lapwing chicks. No sooner had I spotted them than the parents spotted me, I’m not sure who was most surprised, but I disappeared quickly and quietly so as not to disturb or stress them.