The Artist’s Way Revelations
I’m up to week 7 now of The Artist’s Way. I’ve had so many a-ha! moments, I just want to share with you the ones that jumped out of the page at me, they may resonate with you too.
“Work has to be work and not play. Anything else we want to do eg paint – must be considered frivolous and placed a distant 2nd”
What is the difference between work and play? Why are the two so distinctly paired off against each other? It’s EITHER work OR play? Can’t it be both? Can’t it be neither?
“Many of us equate difficulty with virtue – and art with fooling around…Something – a talent for painting, say – that comes to us easily and seems compatible with us must be some sort of cheap trick, not to be taken seriously.”
YES! Art for me was always something that was to be done in my spare time, as a hobby (an activity done in leisure time for pleasure.) Leisure time. We’re not at school now, where we are allocated set times for leisure, eating, thinking and exercise. We shouldn’t be made to feel guilty for doine one activity over another. It’s our time to make the best of in our own way.
“Creativity is not, and has never been sensible. Why should it be? Why should you be? Do you still think there is some moral virtue in being martyred? If you want to make some art, make some art.”
I can completely relate to this. We’re always told to “work hard,” and do things that are important – studying for this, being tested on that. Society brands you based on what you do, not who you are based on subjective yet collective opinion. Somehow the level of stress, responsibility and money determine how much of a person you are.
“Much of what we do in creative recovery may seem silly. Silly is a defence our wet blanket adult uses to squelch our artist child.”
“Stop being so silly,” we’re often told. Things we freely did and enjoyed as children are labelled, “silly,” as we get older. Silly is that word that heaps shame on you for not being grown-up, serious, responsible. It belittles your inner child and the desire to enjoy life in your own unique, creative way.
“Creativity lives in paradox: serious art is born of serious play.”
Without allowing yourself to “play” – explore, have fun, be silly, then you’re keeping your creativity in chains. I have made playing an intrinsic part of my life – serious play – and have never felt so free, happy, connected and creative.
If you’d like to read more about Julia Cameron and “The Artist’s Way” you can visit her website;